Ministry Moment with Kimberly Ann
Ministry Moment With Kimberly Ann.
Ministry Moment with Kimberly Ann
"Heart To Heart" is a 30-minute Daily Devotion Radio Ministry airing 6 days a week! Beginning in 2005 airing on 6 Shortwave Stations, two local FM's and roughly 5 stations nationwide both AM and FM on the Wilkins Radio Network?-- We are NOW on 3 local FM frequencies, IHeart Radio, YouTube, SoundCloud, and Facebook! Click on the "LISTEN" Page of this website to find TODAY's "Daily Heart To Heart Radio Podcast/Devotion!"
Join me each weekday 10am till 2pm on "Positive Hits-Pulse FM!" Also Saturday 4 till 7pm, and Sunday from 10am till 1pm. (I KNOW.... when do we sleep?!:) And each day at Noon, it's my "Family Feud Trivia Lunchtime Express!" Laughter, Joy, and Fun every day! I SO Love our time together! 35 years and counting at Pulse FM! Let's keep Radio Ministry going strong!
Listen Live online at www.pulsefm.com
“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."~Isaiah 43:1
My love affair with radio began long ago. As a little girl, I would record hours of live radio on cassettes, (which I still have stashed away to this day!) I’d memorize everything that was said, sung, or written on the commercials. I was fascinated with the intimacy, closeness and ‘relationship’ it provided. Radio became my companion during the dark days of my childhood.
I'd never thought of being ON the radio, until one day in 1986! Barely out of High School, and working as a manager at a Wendy’s Restaurant for the past 3 1/2 years, the district leader of that Corporation, impressed with my ‘people skills,’ energy and work ethic, offered me my own store! (Letters were coming into the Corporate office from people who ate at MY Wendy's simply because I... was there!) I was honored. I loved the people. But I declined to commit. Promising an answer the next day, I went home to think. Honestly? I wanted more. "I want to make a REAL difference in peoples lives… that lasts forever!" I cried out. " I’m gonna go into RADIO!” :) Now, that's the sovereign Hand of a Mighty God exercising His will in the life He has created!
My desire was genuine and real. My determination was unstoppable. My life?--was definitely NOT Gods. Yet God lead this little girl who was so far away from Him... straight in the direction He always intended and created her to go! (And only GOD knew what it would TAKE me to surrender, and what LIVES would be impacted "before and after!") Bless God! He is an Awesome Heavenly Father! The next day... I made calls to radio and tv stations, asking advice on how to get into the business. ‘Start small and learn all you can’ was the consensus. I put together a resume and applied at WAMJ-1580AM in Mishawaka, Indiana. I had no experience; but a lot of heart, love, and talent. After a test run of my ‘skills’ under pressure, they hired me the same day! I worked there a year, then applied at the #1 Top 40 secular station in Mishawaka called, Zip 104-FM.
I loved encouraging people! I adored the intimacy and immediate impact radio had DAILY in people lives. I craved that mutual connection. And I quickly developed deep relationships with the “regulars” during my evening Request & Dedication Show. What a fast-paced blast!
But... I was also a very lost little girl, with deep wounds, hurts & mistrust from years of abuse.… I finally cried out to God, January 1st 1990, at the foot of my bed. That day, Jesus became the Love and Lord of my life! God told me to stay where I was, and be Light in a dark place, as He orchestred next steps. Lots of witnessing, testifying, and many salvations later,.. someone from LeSEA Broadcasting heard my testimony. The PD listened to me that night, and offered me a job the next day!
I’ve worked for LeSea Broadcasting (named after the late Dr. Sumrall, and re-named Family Broadcasting after the passing of CEO Pete Sumrall) and Pulse FM for over 30 years now. Simply Amazing! I stayed these many years... in obedience to God, and because of the incredible growth and ministry I watched increasing year after year. One Shortwave station grew to six, reaching roughly the entire world. A few local TV stations turned to many all over the United States. The hungry were being fed spiritually and literally. Bibles were going out worldwide free of charge to anyone who asked. Our local Christian Music Festival was reaching upwards to 65,000 people right there in our own backyard (literally)!
Alot has changed now in the past few years.... But GOD has not. Together, let's watch and see, where God leads next! Cuz wherever HE leads.... Is where I'll FOLLOW.:)
Your support and contributions enable us to continue our radio broadcasts, local outreach projects, and global ministry goals: feeding the hungry & sending gospel tracks and bibles worldwide!
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